Henry turned his life around
Henry came in to mostly work on his work/career situation, although he soon found that some results of his frustrations at work influenced his relationships with his wife and kids.
Henry felt like he was doing okay at his job but felt that advancement opportunities had been passing him by for a while now. He’s trying to figure out what is getting in the way.
One of Henry’s major complaints was that he had a challenging time deciding what to do first and how to go about it. He said it was like “trudging through mud.”
He had a hard time working on completing the items on his To-Do list. He put tasks off to the last minute because he thought his work wouldn’t be good enough.
Then, when the trigger had to be pulled on that task, and he had to do a presentation or hand in some project, he always felt very anxious and afraid that his work would be rejected – and he would be humiliated.
This scenario seldom happened, but it didn’t stop Henry from procrastinating and fearing the worst, which caused him great anxiety.
Henry also talked about not being able to say “no” to peers who asked him for help on one of their projects to where it got him overwhelmed and feeling “burnt out.” It left him unable to focus his full attention on his immediate workload.
Feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic related to his inability to complete his tasks at work made it difficult for him to sleep, especially when he stayed up late some evenings playing video games or watching movies to distract himself from his anxiety about work. This lack of sleep just further affected his lack of effectiveness at work.
His negative feelings about his day at work came home with him and negatively affected his relationships with his wife and kids. Mostly, Henry withdrew into watching T.V., playing video games, or some other distraction that prevented interaction with his family. This caused arguments with his wife, but Henry could not resolve this problem.
Henry realized he had problems but no ideas what was causing them.
So, we used a method called Brainspotting (see Brainspotting – Amazing Results page) to release the negative feelings caused by his negative thoughts and beliefs. We eventually found they were caused by negative conditioning in his childhood, created mainly by negative experiences with his family, teachers, peers, friends, etc.
With the Brainspotting method, Henry released the negative emotional charge to the disturbing negative memories related to each of his major problems – his procrastination, perfectionism, and people-pleasing. Once he released these disturbing memories/feelings, the issue he was working on was also resolved and released and, in my years of experience, never to return.
Henry learned that his procrastination and people-pleasing tendencies had to do with his perfection and the requirement of putting his mother’s needs first to gain her love. His mother’s constant vigilance on what he did and how he did it made him feel very insecure and not trusting his own ability to make good decisions.

Now Henry:
- Goes through his To-Do list without hesitation or second-guessing himself
- Has significantly reduced his need for perfectionism and can have a freer flow of completing work and getting things done before the last minute
- Is much more comfortable at presentations and turning in a project because he has spent the appropriate amount of time preparing
- Has less need to distract himself at home and more quality time with his wife and kids
- Is feeling happier and more appreciated at work by bosses and peers and at home with his wife and kids
- Can set appropriate boundaries with fellow workers and can say “no” when necessary
- Is getting better sleep at night and feeling more refreshed, and having more energy going to work in the morning
- Can focus on fulfilling his dreams of Where He Wants to Be at work and home.
Amazing Results
Endless Possibilities!
My mission is “Taking You from Where You Are Now to Where You Want to Be.”
Whether you want to resolve a crisis in your life, release some emotional distress, or work more deeply on releasing your negative thoughts and beliefs blocking your success and happiness, the therapies and methods I use will help you get to where you want to be! It’s all about Transformation! Transforming from What You Don’t Want to What You Do Want!
Transformation Therapy/Coaching is a Holistic form of therapy that refers to a school of thought that addresses an individual as a whole person rather than as someone who is just physically sick, has psychological issues, or is separated into different components somehow.
Holistic therapy addresses the affective, behavioral, cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of an individuals’ life and uses them in their treatment.
It is a process to uncover and release limiting beliefs, fears, and emotional patterns causing internal conflict and dysfunctional relationships. These limiting beliefs and fears cause your stress, anxiety, fear, insecurity, lack of direction, etc. which have been holding you back in life, preventing you from being as happy and successful as you can be.
Transformation Therapy/Coaching is focused on the goal of self-actualization in any area of your life you wish to work on. Self-actualization is described as “the process of becoming everything you are capable of being.” It is the realization or fulfillment of your talents, abilities, and potentials in any area of your life you wish to develop (i.e., work/school situation, relationships, abundance/wealth, etc.).
To achieve self-actualization, your “Ideal Self” (i.e., who you would like to be) must be congruent with your actual beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. What is blocking you from your “Ideal Self” is your negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.
To be congruent with your “Ideal Self,” or who you want to be, you have to release the negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings blocking you from being your “Ideal Self” and thus blocking you from your success and happiness. The therapies and methods I use do just that.
You will realize that you have been living some aspects of your life unconsciously, based on old programming and old conditioning that you may not even be aware of. But you don’t have to stay stuck in your past, trapped in the loop of negative thoughts, beliefs, and bad habits.
That is not who you are. It is what happened to you!
And your old programming can be changed!
This type of therapy/coaching helps you activate your power, access your true potential, and make transformational changes in your life so you can start to create the life you desire.
Those Aspects of Transformation Therapy we will work on:
MENTAL – Your Mindset
What do you want? Where are you now, and where do you want to be?
What is your “Ideal Self”? What is your self-identity now?
Is your current Mindset congruent with your “Ideal Self”?
Do you believe you have what it takes to get to where you want to go?
If so, what’s holding you back? What is your “resistance” to being who you want to be – to go where you want to go?
Your feelings are the barometer that will indicate when you align with your “Ideal Self.”
When you think about becoming your “Ideal Self,” does it bring up anxiety or fear? If so, do you know what causes these feelings? They are the resistance to becoming your “Ideal Self.”
They are your negative thoughts and beliefs preventing you from being your Ideal Self. To become in alignment with your Ideal Self, you have to release these negative thoughts/beliefs and feelings.
Being in tune with your physical self so that you are not only aware of your positive and negative feelings, but you are also aware of where they are held in the body so we can identify and work with these feelings more readily.
The Mental, Emotional, and Physical are all intertwined. Each affects the other. Our Issues are in Our Tissues, and it’s essential to identify them to release them effectively.
Research has shown that the happiest people on earth have deep connections with their friends, family, and community.
Our social relationships are essential. But suppose there are traumas in our past that have cut us off from these factions. In that case, we will most likely be shutting ourselves off from other opportunities in the present and the future for fear of getting hurt again.
So, we must work through and release those traumas to be open again to have better relationships and be happier.
Whether or not you are connected to organized religion, your spiritual health should focus on connecting with your inner soul and the greater world around you.
Some say that our spirituality is our backbone that keeps us focused in the right direction. It is said that healthy spirituality gives a sense of peace, wholeness, and balance among the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of our lives.
Please visit the My Approach page to explore the therapies and methods I use. These are described briefly on this page, but for additional information, please review my Specialties pages. For a more detailed listing of all of those therapies and methods I am trained in, please click here.
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(914) 391-4350
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Benefits of Therapy with me and the Therapies I Use
You will experience permanent change for the better – Your issues will not be your issues anymore!
I will help you:
- Become clear about what you want and where you want to be
- Gain awareness about your talents, dreams, and resistance to actualizing them
- Release your limiting beliefs
- Experience emotional healing from anxiety, fear, panic, trauma, abuse, etc.
- Improve your relationships, resolve conflicts, and set healthy boundaries
- Manage and lead a healthy and balanced life
- Set any goals that you desire and achieve them
“Meeting you has been a life changer for me. The negative feelings and thoughts that I always had have now left my daily life and opened the door for a positive attitude for living. Fear and anxiety no longer dominate me, and through this journey, you have always been compassionate, caring, patient, and encouraging. You have taught me the tools to handle my fears to be more independent and take more control of my life. I am stronger, more sure of myself, and happier. Thank you very much.” R.C.