My Practice is called “Accelerated Healing Solutions” because of the rapid manner the advanced methods I use heal and release a wide variety of mental/emotional issues including any kind of Anxiety, Fear, Panic, Anger, Negative Thinking, Self-Doubt, any kind of Trauma including PTSD, Phobias, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse, Depression, etc.
I was in Traditional Talk Therapy for 10 years in my younger years to get some relief from my anger/rage, anxiety, and bouts of depression.
I walked out of talk therapy 10 years later with just about as much anger/rage, anxiety, and bouts of depression as I had when I began therapy.
Talk therapy could not remove the roots of my trauma that was causing my anger, anxiety, depression, etc.
This unsatisfying experience led me on a quest to find some very effective alternative therapies and methods that helped me release the pain and uncomfortable feelings that created a very dysfunctional lifestyle for myself and effectively released my negative thoughts/beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.
As a result, my Therapy Practice is very different from most therapy practices because I trained in these methods that helped me so much, and I have been using them with my clients for many years now.

My search led me to Integrative Therapy and Holistic Therapy.
And then, more specifically, to Transformation Therapy and Coaching.
Integrative Therapy is a combined approach to psychotherapy that brings together different elements of specific therapies, so they can be tailored to the client’s individual needs and personal circumstances rather than “one size fits all” approach.
Holistic Therapy or Coaching refers to a school of thought that addresses an individual as a whole person rather than as someone who is just physically sick or just has psychological issues, or as being separated into different components somehow.
Holistic therapy addresses the affective, behavioral, cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of an individuals’ life and uses them in their treatment.

Transformation Therapy and Coaching is focused on the goal of self-actualization in any area of your life you wish. Self-actualization is described as “the process of becoming everything you are capable of being”. It is the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents, abilities and potentials in any area of your life you wish to develop.
For you to achieve self-actualization, your “Ideal Self” (i.e., who you would like to be) is congruent with your actual beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. What is blocking you from your “Ideal Self” is your negative thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
I call my Practice “Accelerated Healing Solutions” because of the accelerated nature in which the methods I use heal mental/emotional “wounds.”
They do this by releasing one’s negative thoughts/beliefs, feelings, and behaviors, and restoring positive feelings of calm, confidence, contentment, and empowerment.
I engage in talk therapy when it is called for, but I prefer to work with therapies and methods that are much more effective in getting to the root of whatever problem the client has.
I do this so the client can release their negative thoughts and feelings related to their problem(s) and leave each therapy session calmer, more confident, happier, and more successful.
Some of the Therapies/Methods I Use
E.M.D.R., or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a psychotherapy treatment that was designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. E.M.D.R. therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is reduced.

W.H.E.E. Therapy (or Wholistic Hybrid of E.M.D.R. and E.F.T.) was developed by Dr. Daniel Benor and is a very simple but rather ingenious and very effective combination of the bilateral stimulation of E.M.D.R. and the focused, positive affirmations of E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique – an acupressure method).
With this method, you will learn how to release your negative thoughts and beliefs by implementing the Releasing Affirmations of E.F.T. while applying bilateral stimulation. Here I am using the “Butterfly Hug” as one way to demonstrate this. It’s very quick, easy, and effective.

And a real added treat to this method is that besides working very effectively with releasing trauma, it has also been discovered that it can be very effective as a relaxation tool and a positive enhancement tool. To learn more about how to do this, go to the E.M.D.R. page.

And I have learned many other methods over the years that I incorporate into the client’s therapy sessions as the need arises. If you would like to see more information about my Licenses, Certifications, Trainings, and Experience, please click here.
Why I use these methods:
The Therapies I use are Quicker, Easier, and Much More Effective than Traditional Talk Therapy.
Traditional talk therapy emphasizes how to “manage,” “cope with,” or “deal with” symptoms of stress anxiety, worry, fear, panic, or any other mental/emotional distress.
Even medication, perhaps the most effective method of traditional therapies, is only temporary relief. You have to keep taking the medication to get relief over time.
Why talk therapy is not enough:
Negative life experiences (Big “T” or Little “t” Trauma) create our negative thoughts/beliefs, feelings and behaviors.
Our thoughts = our feelings = our behaviors
- Our Positive thoughts = positive behaviors = HAPPINESS!
- Our Negative thoughts/beliefs, feelings, and behaviors come from trauma or our negative life
experiences, especially in our childhoods, and are the BLOCKS TO OUR HAPPINESS! - To release these negative thoughts and beliefs, you have to release the disturbing memories of the trauma or negative life experiences that caused them originally.
These memories of our negative life experiences are stored in the deeper parts of the brain.
Traditional talk therapy only addresses the “tip of the iceberg,” meaning that talk therapy can only access the outer surface of the brain and has absolutely no ability to affect the deeper parts of the brain to clear the deep-rooted negative conditioning that is the cause of people’s problems.
Why the Therapies I Use are Much More Effective
The therapies I use go to the deeper parts of the brain where the negative conditioning is stored and “rewires” the brain by releasing the negatively charged memories and feelings causing the clients’ problems, restoring them to health and happiness.
And, again, Traditional Talk Therapy cannot access the deeper parts of the brain where the trauma and subsequent negative thoughts and feelings are stored and thus is ineffective.
Once the disturbing memories (along with any “extra-charge” of emotion connected to the memories) are released, so too are the issue(s) that the client initially came in with to work on. Length of treatment depends on the level of intensity and duration of the disturbing event/events the client experienced that initially caused their disturbing memories and dysfunctional behaviors.
When you release your negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings caused by the trauma in your life, you will be calmer, happier, more confident, and more successful!
I have used these methods on myself and my clients for the last 20 years. As a result, I have become very proficient in helping people resolve their issues and release their negative thoughts and feelings that block their happiness and success.
Free 1-Hour Session to:
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(914) 391-4350
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