Taking You from Where You Are Now
to Where You Want to Be!

By Removing the Blocks to Your Happiness!

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Where Are You Now?

It doesn’t feel good at all. As a matter of fact, it’s rather excruciating at this point.

Feeling exhausted.

Put through the wringer, overwhelmed, and a little crazy with all the uncomfortable feelings.

Sleep? What’s that?

One of the following examples could be you…

The Older He Gets, the More
Anxious He Gets

Gregory* has been anxious for as long as he can remember; he has always worried about finances.

Gregory came into therapy feeling hopeless, fearful of losing all the money he has saved, and ending up homeless.

He has been having panic attacks over the last number of months, unable to sleep to the point of being exhausted and unproductive at work.

She Had It All – Or Did She?

One would think that Theresa* had it all. She was a Partner in a successful law firm, lived in an affluent suburb with her kids off to college, and had substantial investments.

Yet, she came into therapy riddled with anxiety and worry, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, indecisiveness, and exhibiting self-sabotaging behaviors at work.

Over the years, her anxiety issues had grown into procrastination, perfectionism, and people-pleasing behaviors. Despite ‘living the American Dream,” she was never able to feel good about her accomplishments or herself.

When Memories Became

Jessica* was traumatized from being sexually abused as a younger child by a neighbor.

She had suppressed these memories until recently when she began having nightmares concerning sexual abuse and realized that she was the person in the dream being abused.

Jessica has since been having recurring nightmares about the same subject and is now afraid to go to sleep for fear of reliving the nightmare again.

Because of her lack of sleep, she is having more problems at work and home.

And Where Do You Want to Be?

While in therapy with me, these clients reached their initial goals within a relatively short time, using alternative, brain-based methods such as EMDR and Brainspotting to “rewire” their brains.

These processes released their negative memories and helped them resolve the issues that brought them to therapy.

These clients released layers of their negative conditioning from their pasts, enabling them to get to a higher level of functioning and feeling much more Calm, Confident, and Empowered.

Amazing Results
Endless Possibilities!

Yes, it is possible to be where you want to be – FREE from pain, agony, and frustration.

Feel Calm, Confident, and Empowered!

Give Me a Call – I Will Help You!

Free 1-Hour Session To:

Show you how I can help you and

See if we’re a good fit!

Give me a call:

(914) 391-4350

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[email protected]

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Reduced Anxiety – No more Nightmares and Panic Attacks

Gregory came into therapy both curious and skeptical of whether I could help him and how I would do that.

From the first session, Gregory acknowledged that the methods I use (Brainspotting, in this case) were very helpful in reducing his anxiety level. In further sessions, he was able to address the nightmares that created his frequent panic attacks.

These also reduced over time until he was able to “peel the layers of the onion” and release some core childhood traumas that were creating his discomfort.

Gregory was very pleased and grateful, recommending me to others for help.

Goodbye Perfectionism – Goodbye Procrastination –
Goodbye People -Pleasing

Theresa was a bit of a “workaholic,” and being a partner in a successful law firm certainly encouraged that. But she didn’t want the high anxiety or overwhelm anymore.

She soon understood that her problems at work specifically stemmed from her perfectionism which helped to feed her procrastination and people-pleasing behaviors, all of which were exhausting her and interfering with peak performance and happiness at work.

We worked on all of these and significantly reduced the behaviors. They were replaced with Calm, Confidence, and feelings of Empowerment.

And, an additional benefit, she was happy to discover her True Self under her negative conditioning.

Nightmares from Childhood Sexual Abuse – Gone!

Jessica worked well in therapy and committed herself to release this horrible part of her life. Since the abuse in her younger years was not recurrent over time, it was relatively quick that she could work through this trauma.

Jessica’s nightmares stopped, and she was able to get back to a regular, healthy life – and sleep schedule.

Realizing how well the methods I used worked on helping her so much the first time, Jessica came back for the second round of therapy a couple of months later. She worked on other self-esteem issues and insecurities around doubting herself and thinking she’s not good enough, etc.

Hi, I’m Dave.

Life can be very uncomfortable. The more you resist dealing with those feelings, the more uncomfortable it gets.

My younger years included a series of events that conditioned me to hate myself. As a result, I became a “rageaholic” with high anxiety and bouts of depression.

Attending talk therapy provided someone to hear my feelings and concerns. But I walked out of ten years of therapy having almost as much anger, rage, anxiety, and bouts of depression as I had when I began therapy. Talk therapy didn’t release the roots of my trauma.

I went on a relentless search to find effective ways to release my anger, anxiety, depression, and self-loathing. Along the way, I found therapies and methods that go to the deeper parts of the brain and release the trauma causing the anguish at the roots.

Simply – I applied the methods I will be using with you to heal my own childhood “wounds.” And now I get to do what I love in life – help others let go of their negative thoughts and beliefs that have caused the negative feelings and dysfunctional behaviors in their lives.

I will help you heal your “wounds” as well.

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What I Do

I Help People Remove the Blocks to Their Success and Happiness!

Using E.M.D.R., Brainspotting and other effective methods, to get to the deeper parts of the brain and “rewire” it, I help people Quickly and Permanently release that which created their negative thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors.

Once released, the client will feel calm, focused, and happier, no longer having the dysfunction(s) they came in with and allowing them to engage more freely and confidently in their personal relationships and thrive in their work situations.

Individual Therapy

Trauma Therapy

Integrative Therapy


Success Mindset Coaching for
Aspiring Professionals


Happy Clients

– S. S.

“There is an easiness about Dave. He has a demeanor that helps you feel at ease sharing your most personal feelings. Above all he’s a great listener. He carefully listens to me and puts things together enabling me to see commonality and things I thought were separate.”

– S. S.

– A.M.

“David has a keen ability to listen to his clients and to offer them “tools” they can use to move from crisis to comfort. (He) helps clients bring clarity to their thinking and his therapeutic approaches and give them a sense of relief. He has helped me to search inside myself for the answers and quickly progress to resolving my concerns and reaching my goals.”

– A.M. (Education Professional)

– Lisa Schwartz, Ph.D.

“You are one of the best Brainspotters on the East Coast.”

– Lisa Schwartz, Ph.D., Expert in Brainspotting, Consultant, Trainer and Creator of Resource Brainspotting with Attachment and Dissociation

Let’s Talk About Where
You Want to Be!

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